Answering the question “how to get back with my ex girlfriend” isn’t always easy but one of the first things you have to know is that it can be a very odd position for you both. This is especially true if both of you are harboring hurt feelings and what you do now can make the situation even worse and cause more hurt feelings.

Language of Desires

Consider these things when you are trying to get your ex girlfriend back.

Number One:

Do you know what caused the break up in the first place? It isn’t very often that a girl will break up with her boyfriend for no good reason, so you need to find out exactly what went wrong to cause her to break up with you. Is it something that you could have kept from happening? Is there some way that you can make things right once you know what the problem is? You need to know the answers to begin your action plan for the question of “how to get back with my ex girlfriend.”

Number Two:

If you feel that the break up was really your fault, you need to let your ex girlfriend know that you are sorry. You have to acknowledge that you are the cause of the break up and you should let her know that you never intended to for your actions to cause a break up.

Number Three:

Make sure to carry on with your social activities even as you are trying to get your ex back. You should continue to go out with your friends and maybe even go on a casual date or two. Making your ex just a little jealous could work to your advantage when you are trying to get them back.

Be careful not to over do the jealousy part but playing hard to get has been working for centuries when trying to get someone back.

Number Four:

Let your ex know that you are doing okay without her and that you have continued to move on but that our do still care about her. If you want her back you also need to let her know that you are still willing to try again because you do still have feelings for her. By making her aware that you are acting in a mature way and still able to live your life without her, you will become more desirable to her also.

Number Five:

If possible, you need to be friends with your ex because this will help her to trust you again and also will help you to become closer to each other once more.

Once you are both comfortable, you can begin to talk about why you broke up in the first place. Never act desperate or need when you talk about the cause of the break up but rather casual because she needs to know that you have gotten past it. Now will probably be the time she will tell you that your break up was a mistake or that she feels like it was the right thing to do. Knowing how she feels about the break up will give you the answers about how to proceed to try to win her back.

While these are just some simple steps to begin the process of rebuilding your relationship, you will want to have a step by step plan if you really want the answer to “how to get back with my ex girlfriend”. More and more people have learned that making up can be magic if you have the right plan of action and if you take action starting now.

Kimberly Aita
Discover unique and effective ways to save your relationship and learn how to get your ex back quickly with easy to use strategies you can start using today. To find out more about ways to get back with my ex or for strategies on getting an ex back Learn The Magic of Making Up Today