Have you ever had one of those really messy break ups where you said a bunch of stupid things you wish you could take back, but now it’s too late? Are you still in love with him and looking for advice on how to win an ex boyfriend back? I think we’ve all been there at least once in our lives.

Language of Desires

The good news is, this doesn’t have to be the end for your relationship. Chances are, he’s feeling the same way you are. He’s probably full of regret and trying to make logical sense of what just happened (the way guys usually do), while you’re trying to figure out how to win an ex boyfriend back by talking this out with your friends and close family and getting advice from them.

Take a step back from all that. While most of your friends and family probably mean well, their advice isn’t exactly objective, if you know what I mean. Some of them, without even realizing it, are probably telling you things that aren’t going to do any good toward reconciling with him.

The first thing you need to do to figure out how to win an ex boyfriend back is to unplug the phone for a while. I’m serious. Quit nagging him. Guys find that totally annoying! You gotta get disciplined and stop calling him for a while. Trust me, it will pay off in the long run.

The next step in how to win an ex boyfriend back is to get your mind off of him. While he’s sitting at home stewing about how much life sucks without you, you need to be out doing stuff with other people. You don’t need to necessarily listen to their relationship advice, but you need your friends and family to support you during this time and help you to have fun without him.

A few weeks of doing fun stuff without him and you will start to discover that there is more to life than what he can give you. You will realize that, though he is important in your life, he doesn’t have to be the center of your universe. This will give you a confidence that you may not have had before, and will really come in handy when you meet up with him again.

This brings me to the last step in how to win an ex boyfriend back, call him up and ask to get together with him. Make sure you’ve waited at least a few weeks and have had a chance to get out, have some fun, and boost your confidence. When you meet with him, be happy, confident, vibrant and passionate about life. Show him that you are coping just fine without him.

If you follow my advice, he will probably be puddy in your hands! All you will have to do is accept his plea to reconcile. If you do find that you need more detailed advice on how to win an ex boyfriend back, you will find it at http://www.ex-back-fast.com

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