Did you and your ex-recently experience a breakup that results in you constantly wondering “How to get back together with my ex?” Do you want to just jump right in and make everything right? What you are feeling is normal; however, it is important that you do not act on your emotions alone.

Language of Desires

When you feel yourself falling into a depressed state, you may want to keep one thing in mind. Do the opposite of everything that you feel like doing. For instance, if you feel like pleading with your ex to come back, do not do it. If you feel like calling your ex, you want to abstain from doing this. If you give into your feelings, you will drive your ex further away from you, which is the last thing you want to do. As soon as you get your emotions in check, you can then start taking steps to get back with your ex.

How to get back with my ex: Acceptance Is Key

Acceptance of the breakup is key to getting back with your ex. You need to accept that the breakup has happened, and you need to let your ex know that you are okay with the breakup. This step of the process will enable both you and your ex to take some time to think over your options. If your ex truly loves you, they will find a way to get back with you.

How to get back with my ex: Abstain from Contact

Right now, you need to abstain from contacting your ex for any reason. You may feel like calling your ex because you want to hear his or her voice. You may feel like calling to see how your ex is doing. Whatever the reason, it will not be to your benefit to call your ex because it will more than likely push him or her even further away. Not contacting your ex will demonstrate that you are capable of surviving without him or her and can handle the breakup with the utmost maturity. When your ex contacts you, keep your conversations brief. Do not give too much detail about your feelings. If you feel you need to discuss your feelings, confide in a family member or close friend. Your ex does not need to know about how you feel about the breakup.

How to get back with my ex: Plan Ahead for When You Get Together

When you have completed the above two steps and your ex is ready to meet up with you for a gathering, you will need to plan carefully for your get together. You will need to plan what you will wear. Appearance is important because you need to make yourself eye catching and appealing to your ex. You also want to plan what you will do and what you will say. Getting together with your ex will enable you to see if he or she still loves you, and you will be able to get a feel for whether or not the relationship can be restored.

Working to get back with your ex is slightly more complicated than the steps outlined above. However, with time and effort, it can be done.

These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps I followed when I lost the love of my life. And frankly these aren’t my original ideas. I turned to T W Jackson aka (T ‘Dub’) Jackson when I had no idea of how to get my ex back.

T ‘Dub’ authored a simple, step by step plan called ‘The Magic Of Making Up’, which you can find at my ‘Get Ex Back’ website