Language of Desires

Getting my ex wife back – This quite a desperate situation to lots of people around who’re encountering such a situation especially when they are deeply in love with their wife. Not a soul likes a situation in life where there are fights and arguments over irrelevant stuff – but unfortunately, that is an imperative part of a marriage that almost all married people can’t avoid. And old saying goes like this: “There wouldn’t be any love if there is no fights in the first place”. Many couples would not want to take the pain to resolve stuff as they hide behind the convenient thought that “she is not the right one for me”.

Trust me you are not the only one who is looking for ways to get your ex wife back – there are such a lot of other men than are yelling for a similar thing. However, a divorce or a breakup may very well be avoided with an easy “No Contact Rule”.

It is ironical that how one has to break away each other to become reunited again, thus develop a stronger and ever-lasting marriage. If you would like something to get your wife back, it would be noting else but the “No Contact Rule”. This doesn’t mean you need to avoid contacting your ex wife for some months but just give her some space to breathe a bit of fresh air and take into consideration what went wrong. This shouldn’t last greater than a week or so or you might lose your wife for good. Meanwhile, you can think of all the things that you could possibly change in making your marriage healthier. Take a short vacation and relax for a while. The fact that you’re moving on with your life can make her even more interested in you and she’ll be curious to know very well what you’re doing.


The concept behind the “No Contact Rule” and also the ling that it would get your ex wife back, could be understood by two different approaches.


Break ups are hard and can be one of the toughest times in peoples lives. Everyone handles every situation diffrent but at the end it all comes down to the proper ways to really get you ex loved one back.