Now that things are a bit of a mess and your ex is refusing to return your phone calls you may be thinking the situation is hopeless but there is reason to be optimistic. There are thousands of others in your shoes that have managed to get their ex back, once they re-establish communications. Here is an almost fool proof technique that you can use to get things back on track if you are estranged and your ex does not return your calls or text messages.

Language of Desires

Of course there are now “magic” words or formulas that aromatically get you ex to return your phone calls but what if there was a technique that others had used successfully to get the result that your looking for. I’d almost be willing to bet that you’ve been pleading with your ex begging him/her to return your calls, saying “I have to talk to you” even citing the number of times you’ve called/text. The desperation is everywhere, it puts you in a bad position to get your ex back.

Two of the most powerful emotions for humans are curiosity and self interest so lets start using those against your ex and see if we can figure how to get your ex back. Suppose that you could find some thing that your ex did, it doesn’t have to be huge, just some act or kindness that you can use to employee this strategy.

Here’s what I mean, say you call and say “John/Jane I just wanted you to know I appreciate what you did for me, I’d really like to thank you in person when you call me” what do you suppose the response will be? Do you think they might say “what did I do, what does she/he appreciate?” Do you think they might want to find out? Of course, and when they call you need to have a course of action you can follow to keep the flow going in your direction, take it slow and easy think things through before you place the call so you know where you are going to go when your ex calls you.

I’ll take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying

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