Getting an ex back is hard if you were the one being dumped. But imagine how you would feel if you were the one who did the dumping? That is the position that you could find yourself in and find yourself trying to figure out how to win an ex back.

Language of Desires

No matter what the cause you can find yourself breaking up with your current boyfriend or girlfriend for many different reasons but no matter what the situation is it will take you by surprise how fast it can happen.

If you where the one doing the dumping you will probably find that you want to save face but depending on what happened you might find yourself in an uphill battle because you have probably hurt the other person deeply and the level of trust you once shared is damaged to some degree.

Getting an ex back will take a sound strategy starting with some helpful advice.

The first thing you need to do is apologize and take responsibility for what happened and promise it will not happen again, but more important is you need to really mean it. You should subtly remind them of your long history and the good times that you shared with one another. Do not get into a fight or let your emotions get you in trouble because this is probably what got you into trouble in the first place.

After you apologize you should give the other person some space and let them think about what you said and also let them miss you a little bit. The last thing you want to do is keep pressing them to make a decision and avoid the urge for constant text, e-mail, phone calls, or any of the many things you are probably dying to do.

After you meet up with the person you need to always remain positive and have casual conversations. Make sure that you don’t find yourself apologizing over and over again because if you and the other person are back together you are forgiven and there is no reason to bring up the past.

Getting back together after you dumped the other person is difficult but it is not totally out of the question you just need to stick to a system that works and make sure you don’t rush the results or you will find yourself starting over and the next time might be the last time. With the help in here you are on your way to figuring out how to win an ex back.

If you are looking for help an advice on How-to Win Ex Back check out my site or my Magic of Making Up Quick Blog for lots of tips and tricks that will get you back with the love of your life.